Online Retreat
Online Retreat
3 Days
Estimate committed time 8hrs daily.
For Everyone
Students with basic dhamma knowledge will be helpful, but not required.
Course Outline
In this course, you will learn about meditating on loving kindness to oneself and others, mindfulness of the breath and how to progressively develop insight and deepen your understanding of Buddha’s Teachings.
Guided By:
Venerable Mahinda, Sister Sumitra
Section 1. Pre-preparation instruction
Pre-preparation instruction for the mind and body. You will learn how to clear away distraction, pave the way for the mind to settle down in a home environment setting.
Section 2. Start your self-retreat with guided instructions
Throughout the day, you follow some instructed routine. You will receive more specific guidance and interaction at the assigned time slot with the conducting teacher (when needed).
Section 3. Live teachings with Venerable
Live teachings with Venerable will guide you on how to overcome challenging experiences through Dhamma applications and inspire you to continue your practice on and off retreat.
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